redness around your nose, or the lines forming near your eyes?

Posted by Music Top SIte Rabu, 28 September 2011 0 komentar

Redness Around Nose
How do you treat redness around my nose and eyes.I believe I had a allergic reaction yet it it is not itchy, but the area is beginning to dry

Environmental conditions influenced by unnatural forces such as being in an airline cabin or the heat emitted by a furnace is also likely to cause dryness around the eyes and nose. If the skin remains dry for a significant period of time, it is likely to develop wrinkles as a result of the loss of elasticity. Dry skin is becoming more of a common issue given the highly polluted state of the natural atmosphere. It is only normal for a number of dust particles to accumulate over the surface of the skin, making it seem very dry and dirty.

Since the condition is very common and has a significant impact on the aesthetic features of an individual, a number of home remedies have been developed and perfected in different parts of the world over the course of a few decades.

* For example, you could try creating a puree of 1 papaya and 1 banana and apply it over the skin. Leave it on for about 20 minutes before you wash it off with the help of warm water.

* Apply a good moisturizing lotion such as margarine or natural vegetable oil for best results.

* You can also grate a piece of cucumber and apply it all over the affected area. The juice is known to be extremely beneficial for the skin around the eyes making it tighter and refreshed. It also has a very cooling effect on the skin.

* Another option would be to massage some amount of mayonnaise into your skin and leave it on for about 15 to 20 minutes and wash it off thoroughly with the help of some warm water.

* Vitamin E is considered to be one of the most beneficial healing agents for dry skin and the application of some vitamin E oil directly to the dry skin will show quick results.

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Sex thrice a week, a must!

Posted by Music Top SIte Selasa, 27 September 2011 0 komentar

Trainers have been suggesting that their clients and visitors to the gym have sex thrice a week. Sex has been known to burn calories but how many and depending on what factors. Here's an insight into it.

Some may call it synchronized gymnastics and others choose to call it "making love", but it all just eventually boils down to a three letter word s-e-x. The age old practice we so proudly flaunt as our own since the advent of the Khajuraho Temples to the ultimate guide to sex called The Kamasutra, we have always been known to be the pioneers in innovative and complex love making.

We transcend from being flamboyant, curious teens to more experienced and well-read adults. Giggles and sniggers prevail over new found discoveries after endless surfing over the net, reading dirty magazines and receiving the dirty bits from experienced friends. We live in a country where we proudly wear the fact that we wrote the sex book but we also live in times where it could be taboo, making us complete aliens in the society. Well, heads up for what's coming then. It' not the million crunches and squats you do that help you burn up your calories, its much more than that! Don't be surprised if your fitness charts read, "Sex thrice a week" because that's exactly what trainers have been advising their clients to get down to their business.

A Human Movement specialist states that sex is aerobic in some parts and anaerobic in others. "Sex unfortunately as practiced today, as an act of pent up stress, an act of lust etc will burn calories. But that by itself is not sufficient to replace jogging". Badrinath focuses on the fact that jogging, running and other forms of aerobic activity actually help people to have better sex that last longer, helps them recover faster after climax and have more energy and endurance to last. When his trainer asked him to turn up the heat, Gokul Govardhan, a fitness was under the notion that he would have to increase his workout sessions and get into a more rigorous routing. Little did he know that his trainer was actually asking him to have sex thrice a week. "I didn't think it was not possible.

I believe in what my trainer tells me to do. Sex removes the fat content that sticks on to the body and wipes out all the toxins". Gokul has been working out under the same trainer for the last 2 years and he believes if this is a solution for burning calories, then be it! Shreya, another regular visitor of the gym says that sex is an amazing way to lose weight and it also defies the statement "no pain, no gain". "I don't see anything wrong in having sex thrice a week, if not everyday.

It's a great cardio and ab workout." Hollywood celebs have sworn their toned bodies on amazing sex and that is proof enough to say that trainers are right about this. "The trainer is my guru and according to me, the teacher is always right!" says Shreya.

The calories burnt of course depends on a lot of factors like age, duration of sex, foreplay, and the intensity with which the act is done.

Calories burnt (depends on factors like age and gender)

On average 170 calories or more are burnt in the age group of 18 to 25.

On average 135 calories or more are burnt in the age group of 25 to 40

If a man's not doing much work, then he burns about 120 calories, in the age group of 40 plus Indian male.

Women burn more calories only if they're doing the work during sex. On an average, men and women burn about the same because the work they do is similar.

Movement analysis:
If you were to do a movement analysis of one nights sex - 5 to 10 minutes goes in foreplay (basically kissing, touching and caressing) caloric output is negligible (20 cal).

The act itself lasts for 20 minutes (100 calories), cool down and sleep (10 calories)!

If you have multiple sex (2) or intercourse in one hour then you may look at 300 calories

The additional 60 cal could get you back into the game and passion also increases the body temperature.

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3-4 cups of coffee can cut stroke risk by 17 pc: research

Posted by Music Top SIte Senin, 26 September 2011 0 komentar

Drinking three to four cups of coffee a day can make us 17 per cent less likely to suffer a stroke, a new research has found.

Antioxidants in the drink stop blood clots in the brain as they protect against cholesterol build-up, the report said.

Scientists came to this conclusion after looking at data from eight studies on consumption from the past 45 years, a media report said.

Meanwhile, researchers found those drinking two cups a day were 14 per cent less likely to suffer a clot in the brain than non-drinkers.

Caffeine addicts who get through six or more cups a day only see a reduction in risk of around 7 per cent.

But the Swedish study admitted coffee “may have both beneficial and harmful effects”.

The research has been published in the American Journal of Epidemiology.

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How to keep a healthy heart

Posted by Music Top SIte Minggu, 25 September 2011 0 komentar

Celine Dion may have to change the title of her famous love song - My Heart Will Go On, for according to medical experts with each passing day, our hearts are ageing faster than other parts of our bodies and are finding it difficult to go on. Your heart age can be different from your actual age.

A sedentary lifestyle, stress, long work hours, a growing appetite for junk food, excessive smoking and drinking are some of the factors that can make your heart older a lot faster than you actually age.

Age: Just a number?
You may know the shape of your heart, but there are sites online which claim to calculate the age of your heart (see box). However, cardiologist Dr Hasmukh Ravat says you shouldn't rely on them, "There is no way to calculate the age of your heart. When doctors use the term 'ageing heart', what they are referring to is a tendency among young people who would otherwise have a very low risk of heart disease now grappling with cardiovascular disease, which is largely prevalent at later stages in life."

Teens under attack
Heart age is an estimated 'age'of the heart as compared to a person's chronological age. It's based on the influence that physical and lifestyle factors have on heart health. The age group of people suffering from heart disease now includes teenagers, claims Ravat. He says, "I have had cases of 17 and 19-year-olds coming to me with heart problems."

It's essential that you measure your risk of heart disease and make a plan for how to prevent it in the near future. Shailesh Trivedi, a 21-year-old working professional, who suffered a heart attack a year ago, adds, "I was lucky to survive. Often, we do not realise the toll junk food and a stressed environment can take on your heart. I had to get an angioplasty done to rectify the damage to my heart. Counselling, quitting smoking, regular exercise and modifications in my diet helped me get through it."

Whatever your age, keeping your heart healthy is well worth it, because a strong heart is ultimately what keeps you young and vital.

Here's how to keep a healthy heart
If you have high cholesterol, avoid red meat Avoid fried, junk, salty and oily food Exercise regularly, go for a brisk walk, for 45 minutes to an hour, three to four times a week. It helps increase good cholesterol Avoid drinking too much alcohol. Drinking in moderation is not harmful. One or two pegs a day, two or three times a week, is okay Check your weight and maintain it Quit smoking and control BP and blood sugar levels.

Test your heart age
The heart forecaster reveals your age after getting your heart numbers, which are your blood pressure and your cholesterol ratio. With a few simple questions, the Heart Age Forecast will estimate the current condition of your heart. It will also give you insight into how healthy your heart is and also the effect that your lifestyle has on your body. You can do the test on If you want to have very accurate answers, you need to submit your cholesterol levels and blood pressure. However, it will also do the calculations based on average numbers for your age and other risk factors.

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Children's Nutritional Needs

Posted by Music Top SIte Selasa, 20 September 2011 0 komentar

A survey of 1,800 school-aged children to find out what they consumed in a typical day.

15% of the students did not eat any vegetables
40% ate only potatoes or tomato sauce (aka French Fries and ketchup)
20% of the students did not consume any fruit

Currently, children ages 6-12 eat an average of 2.5 fruits and vegetables a day, only half of the recommended servings. These poor eating habits have made today's children susceptible to heart disease and obesity and a prime target for improved nutrition and increased education. It is important to monitor your child's fruit and vegetable intake and find creative healthy ways to help increase fruits and veggies in children's diets.

Children need a variety of foods to grow strong and healthy. Their appetites decrease or increase as they go through growth spurts.

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Men think about food, sleep more than Sex

Posted by Music Top SIte 0 komentar
The saying, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, seems to be true, as a study has shown that men, who are believed to have a one-track mind, actually think more about food and sleep than they do about sex.

The research also found that contrary to popular belief, men do not think about sex every seven seconds, and that in reality, it is more like once every waking hour.

Professor Terri Fisher, a psychologist at the Ohio State University in the U.S. carried out the study on 163 students, both male and female.

They were asked to carry around a chart and mark it every time they thought about sex, food or sleep.

It was found the numbers varied widely, as one student recorded only one sexual thought a day, and another male wrote down 388 in 24 hours.

But on average, men thought about food and sleep more often than they thought about sex, but they thought about all three more often than women did.

"Men are more aware of need-related states such as being hungry or tired or sexually aroused, and focus on those," the Daily Mail quoted Fisher as saying.

"They are also better at detecting these states in themselves than women and more willing to express their thoughts," she revealed.

She added that even the student who thought about sex 388 times in a day was only thinking about it every 158 seconds - far fewer than the "every seven seconds" that myth suggested.

"When people hear about some of these differences, I think sometimes they don't question it because it fits the stereotypes we have of men and women," Fisher said.

"When you stop and take a closer look at the origins of some of these alleged differences, they sometimes have no empirical support," she explained.

Behavioural Psychologist Jo Hemmings, author of How To Have Great Sex, explains why men are so preoccupied with their stomachs.

"There tend to be more trigger mechanisms to thinking about food,"

"The sights and smells associated with eating, as well as simple hunger or thirst, tend to be more commonplace in everyday life than the trigger mechanism for thinking about sex, so inevitably we think more about it,"

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5 Teas that make you slim!

Posted by Music Top SIte Rabu, 14 September 2011 0 komentar

The brew that energises can also help you lose weight. Here's how...

It's widely known that just one cup of tea can prevent strokes, arthritis, tooth decay and even keep cancer at bay. While it's regarded as nature's tranquiliser for its soothing properties, the brew also has another great benefit - it helps shed weight. Scientists have shown that tea has high levels of compounds that battle the absorption of fat.

Here are 5 teas that can result in a slimmer you...

1. Star anise tea: promotes digestion
Star anise, the fruit of a small evergreen tree (Illicium verum) native to China, can be used in the treatment of digestive troubles such an upset stomach, diarrhea, nausea etc. One may drink a tea made from it by steeping a whole pod in one cup of hot water for 10 minutes. Strain this and sweeten it if required. Sip on this slowly when an upset stomach occurs.

2. Peppermint tea: controls what you eat
If you like peppermint tea then try and rotate that with a green tea drink as both speed up digestion and thus help you burn more calories. The peppermint leaves can be used to make a light, refreshing tea, which can be drunk either hot or chilled. To prepare the tea, take a tablespoon of fresh or dried leaves and add them to boiling water and let it steep for four to five minutes. Strain and add honey, if needed.

3. Green tea: builds metabolism
Research says the chemical EGCG found in green tea that speeds up the body's metabolism, is responsible for helping people lose the kilos - it can burn a whopping 70 calories a day! Green tea also raises the level of antioxidants. It's believed the antioxidant catechins in green tea boost metabolism and helps burn fat (can burn a whopping 70 calories a day!) Steeping time for the tea: two to three minutes at 85 Degrees Celsius.

4. Rose tea: prevents constipation
One of the oldest flavouring teas available, rose tea - made by mixing fresh roses and the bud of the tea - has a major therapeutic effect on the human body. Apart from clearing toxins and beautifying the skin, rose tea contains vitamins A, B3, C, D and E and is known to act against infections. It also prevents constipation and helps one lose weight.

5. Oolong tea: guards against obesity
Research reveals that oolong, a semi-fermented tea may have a stronger effect than even green tea. It promotes fat burning is said to help reduce cholesterol and the concentration of fat in the body. About two cups per day is recommended. Steep oolong tea anywhere from 30 seconds to five minutes, for a more full-bodied cup.

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Social norms

Posted by Music Top SIte Kamis, 08 September 2011 0 komentar
According to Wikipedia, social norms are "the rules that a group uses for appropriate and inappropriate values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviours. These rules may be explicit or implicit."

The key is who decides what is the social norm. From my experience in life, it seems that most people follow the lead of a few high visibility individuals, they do not sort out what is right or wrong for themselves. Having followed this lead, they become convinced their view is "right" and that it is their own opinion. The fact that they have not questioned it is of crucial importance and is something that the less scrupulous people in history have used to their great advantage.

At the extreme end of this idea, consider a tyrant, any of them will do. When they started out on their quest for power, what reaction did they get from those around them? Were they opposed by the masses? Most are opposed by a few but in so many instances, tyrants get to power because the masses do nothing. Once in power, why do the masses support them? Because they do not think for themselves, they are told what to think. Leaders of all sorts know this and take great pains in telling everyone they have The Truth and that Salvation will result should everyone follow them.

At the other end of the scale, who decided that nudity was shameful? A key figure in this idea is Augustine of Hippo. His theological ideas are still widely respected but he was a tortured person, his sense of personal guilt about his very humanity led him to some utterly daft ideas, such as when he wrote "I fail to see what use women can be to man, if one excludes the function of bearing children". We still see the result of this teaching centuries later, perpetuated by the few but unwittingly supported by the inactive masses. The extension of these ideas is catastrophic, women have been seen as sinful in themselves for inflaming men, they have been treated as second class and are still treated that way in the modern British society. Why? Because the masses have followed those who have taught that idea, they did not work it out for themselves. Augustine taught that the body was shameful so nudity must of itself be shameful.

So who still teaches that social nudity is shameful, that it is contrary to the social norm? Only a few take this view, surveys put it as less than 2%, most people will say something along the lines that "I don't mind but I am sure that others do mind", never questioning why they have come to that view or if other people really do think it is shameful.

Naturists of course do question it and can find no reasonable argument why social, non-sexual nudity is still a problem, indeed when they ask, find that most people are very accepting once they had thought about it. When the British Parliament is asked what the law should be, it has for a very long time decided that simple public nudity should not be illegal and that remains the case today. The problem comes when one of the 2% complain and the police fall for the mindset "I don't mind but I am sure that others do mind", i.e. they assume they hold the social norms. If they just thought for a moment and reflected on what Parliament enacted after long consideration, they would arrest the complainant for impeding the freedom of someone simply enjoying the fresh air in a manner to which they were born.

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Nimbu paani for good health!

Posted by Music Top SIte Kamis, 01 September 2011 0 komentar

Lemon juice has more benefits that you'd ever imagine. Lemons have five per cent of citric acid, which gives it its unique taste.

Rich in vitamin C, it also has vitamin B, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, proteins and carbohydrates.

Here are some benefits.

- Suffer from indigestion? Mix a few drops of lemon juice with warm water and sip on it. This is useful for treating nausea, heartburn, diarrhoea, bloating and burping.

- Since lemon is a natural antiseptic, it is great to cure skin problems. It clears your skin and also acts as an anti-ageing agent by eliminating wrinkles and blackheads.

- Have a toothache? Apply fresh lemon juice where it hurts. If you have bleeding gums, applying lemon juice can curb the bleeding and stop bad breath.

- A sore throat can be cured by gargling with lemon juice and water regularly.

- Nimbu paani is high in potassium, which controls high blood pressure, dizziness, nausea and reduces stress. It also cures respiratory disorders like breathing problems and asthma.

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