A naturist in society

Posted by Music Top SIte Jumat, 29 Januari 2010 0 komentar
Sometimes it as hard being a naturist in society, it would be easier to simply conform, dress at all times, shut up and merge into the background. But if you wish to be yourself, live a life you feel is honest and harmless to others but different from everyday life, it takes a bit of nerve.
In The Spiral Staircase, Karen Armstrong wrote:-
"The great myths show that when we follow somebody else's path, you go astray. The hero has to set off by himself, leaving the old world and the old ways behind. He must venture into the darkness of the unknown, where there is no map and no clear route. He must fight his own monsters, not somebody else's, explore his own labyrinth, and endure his own ordeal before he can find what is missing in his life. Thus transfigured, he or she can bring something of value to the world that has been left behind.  But if the knight finds himself riding along an already established track, he is simply following in somebody else's footsteps, and will not have an adventure."
In this text, Karen Armstrong is talking about God or at least religious beliefs, but her ideas apply equally well to life in general.
In The Spiral Staircase, she describes in detail the pain and transformation she experienced moving from the religious life to one where her intellect was trusted to provide a better picture of life, the universe and everything. In her convent years, she was expected to conform to very strict rules and codes of conduct, if she did not, the consequences were unpleasant. The hoped for result was for a truer experience of God, but for her at least, this never materialised.
It is easy to follow others, it saves the effort of thinking. It also helps those who lack confidence. To stand by your own ideas takes courage and effort. In The Mind as Nature, Loren Eiseley wrote "Like the herd animals we are, we sniff warily at the strange one among us.".
Along the same lines, Rudyard Kipling wrote:-
"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."
This idea is supported by others who have struggled to be themselves, one such was E. E. Cummings, the US born poet, who said:-
"To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting. ".
It is a struggle, but should not be. I was born that way.

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The Pope's view

Posted by Music Top SIte Selasa, 26 Januari 2010 0 komentar
In March 5, 1935, the then head of the Catholic Church, Pope Pius XI said The paganized life of today affects all open and attentive eyes, a life so specifically, so paganly dedicated to pleasure and the search for pleasure. It is a life so specifically wanton, it’s wantonness surpasses on many occasions that of the ancient pagan life. It is called – with a horrible word and with horrible blasphemy – the cult of nudity.
In 1981, Cardinal Karol Woytyla, later Pope John Paul II, said "The human body can remain nude and uncovered and preserve intact its splendour and its beauty. Nakedness as such is not to be equated with physical shamelessness. Immodesty is present only when nakedness plays a negative role with regard to the value of the person.The human body is not in itself shameful. Shamelessness (just like shame and modesty) is a function of the interior of a person." He also said "Because God created it the human body can remain nude and uncovered and preserve its splendour and its beauty."
With the two views being diametrically opposed, a minimum of one of them is wrong. Need I say more?
Thanks to Allnudist for flagging up the 1935 quote.

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Posted by Music Top SIte Sabtu, 23 Januari 2010 0 komentar
Is the naked body beautiful, aesthetically pleasing or is the opposite true, is the naked body ugly? A very good friend of mine thinks so, she said "nude, people are just not pretty".

Exactly what is beautiful or aesthetic is directly linked to conditioning, each society and time has its own idea of what is or what is not beautiful. In the past, artists would paint their ideal nude figures with somewhat more body fat than we are used to now. In times or areas of poverty and food shortages, a fatter person would be considered more successful, they would not understand the current size zero craze.

It is hard to understand why anyone would think that with the exception of a few of "the beautiful people", we are all so ugly that covering at all times is required and to run the risk of prosecution if we do not. If we were to follow the line of eugenics, the deliberate breeding of "the beautiful people", perhaps the idea would change, but I doubt it. In any case, such a scheme is universally recognised as being evil, quite right to.

Should someone with a facial disfigurement be forced to cover up their face because they do not conform to the idea of the beautiful people? Of course not, the very idea is repugnant. My mum suffered from just that problem. Although most people were kind and did their best to understand her very difficult speech, she did come across a few really nasty people who stared, made fun of her or simply gave up trying. It was deeply hurtful, but the person inside was the same beautiful mum as she was before her operation. This rings true with naturism, it is always a few vociferous people who make trouble, most people do not object to nudity where people currently wear swimsuits. www.savingfaces.co.uk

In the view of many naturists it is not acceptable to be forced to dress in circumstances where dress is not needed. It should be just as unacceptable as if my mum was forced to cover up her face.

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Jennifer Lopez graces cover of Beauty book

Posted by Music Top SIte Jumat, 22 Januari 2010 0 komentar

Jennifer Lopez's face has been featured on the cover of a beauty book.

The stunning actress was snapped especially for make-up artist Scott Barnes'

new book About Face which is based on how to transform yourself and look like a film star.

Jennifer, 40, has worked with the beauty mogul for over 10 years and he even travelled with her when she worked on her latest movie, The Back-Up Plan.

His new book will be launched in two versions - one for the US and one for Britain. The US version contains the tag line "Amazing transformations using the secrets of the top celebrity make-up artist" on the cover.

Jennifer - who the make-up maestro has previously called his "muse" - has posed elegantly for the two front pages. The US version shows her sporting natural cosmetics with her hair tied up, while on the British pictures her with hair dramatically blowing away from her face.

Jennifer also wrote the foreword for the book.

Last night, Jennifer dressed up in a classic black strapless Louis Vuitton dress for the exclusive launch at Club Provocateur, inside New York's Hotel Gansevoort.

She looked stunning as she helped Scott promote his latest work.

The pair was joined by fashion designer Christian Siriano and former Destiny's Child singer Kelly Rowland.

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Skin Whitening

Posted by Music Top SIte Kamis, 21 Januari 2010 0 komentar

skin whitening (also called skin bleaching)


Many fruits have skin whitening effect when they are eaten or scrubbed on skin. The leading fruit is papaya, wherein its enzyme papain can lighten the skin. Other notable fruits are lemon, lime, calamondin, and orange; all of these have Vitamin C which is said to have a skin whitening effect

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Steve Gough – The Naked Rambler

Posted by Music Top SIte Rabu, 20 Januari 2010 0 komentar
Steve Gough is in prison for being naked in public and has been on and off for seven years. Although arrested in England and released, when he walked naked in Scotland he was arrested and re-arrested several times. Currently he is in solitary confinement as he refuses to wear clothes in prison.
Steve has stated quite clearly, he is not a naturist but he does insist that there is nothing wrong with being naked, so there are common ideas. In recent times he has been quite controversial, discussions on the net, TV and radio have become very polarised, even heated. There is no agreement on whether he helps the naturist cause or not.
It seems to me that there is a clear difference between what is against the law and what should be against the law and that many people confuse the two. I am as guilty of that as any other. Not being a lawyer, I cannot say if the courts were right or not from a legal point of view, the problem being compounded because the law in Scotland is different from that in England. (Outsiders, especially those in the USA, see us as "The UK" but fail to see we have started down the road to complete separation of the two countries and have different laws. A shame, but true.)
The key point is this, is it right to have him in solitary confinement, possibly for the rest of his life because he was naked and caused a breech of the peace? Quite clearly, the answer is no.
For any offence, the punishment should be proportionate and this is not. It is time the police and the courts paid attention to more important issues. Why are they so frightened by a peaceful nude man? When I met him a few years ago, he did not frighten me.

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Remove Your Hair Natuarally

Posted by Music Top SIte 0 komentar

How to Get Rid of Unwanted Body Hair Naturally

You don't have to expose your body to repeated shavings or harsh chemical solutions to remove hair from your body. While unwanted hair on the body is a common problem for women and men, you can get rid of hair naturally and even reduce the frequency at which it grows. Keep in mind that as with nearly every procedure, there is no guarantee that hair will be eliminated permanently.

1. Mix equal parts gram flour and yogurt in a small bowl. The amount you'll need depends on how large the area is that you'd like to remove hair from; you might need as little as 1/4 cup or more than 1 cup of each.

2. Add two or three drops of olive oil. Incorporate it into the flour-yogurt mixture ingredients until it is well-mixed.

3. Apply the concoction to your skin on your body where your unwanted hair is growing. Administer a thick application that leaves all hair well-covered.

4. Wait for the mixture to dry completely on your skin. When it is dry, rub it off using your fingertips. As the mixture flakes off, it will take your unwanted hair with it, from the roots.

5. Repeat this procedure once a week for several months in order to notice a significant reduction in hair growth

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Posted by Music Top SIte 0 komentar
Propaganda is powerful stuff. Lies, misdirection and distortions often last for centuries. Many still believe the Soviet version of the 1917 revolution, that Lenin and his supporters overthrew the wicked tsar when in fact they overthrew a provisional socialist government, the tsar had already gone. Never mind evidence to the contrary, take belief as fact. This is an idea seized upon by those with something to gain, all you need is to bang the drum with passion and the gullible will follow. After a while, the drum's awful beat becomes part of further illogical beliefs and it gets harder to make the voice of reason and moderation heard. Politicians love propaganda. Of course they prefer to call it spin but the result is the same.

For those who prefer to be rational, all that is required to demolish a belief is clear evidence to the contrary. So if someone claims the world is flat, a set of photographs from space should suffice to show the error of their argument. The trouble is, believers will find ways to blend their belief with the evidence, the photographs are a conspiracy, the camera makes distorted images etc. etc. Sadly, even if a flat earther can be dismissed as a crank, the same process goes on in all areas of life, some of these may even endanger life itself.

So am I banging the drum of belief, blind to evidence and reason? The naturist lifestyle is claimed by its proponents to lead to a better life, that naturism is good for people. Their evidence is that naturism of itself has no bad effects. That is not to say there are not bad naturists, there are, but if individuals commit crimes, that does not reflect on the lifestyle as a whole. Is there any evidence yet determined that shows the contrary case, that naturism is harmful? I have never found any, even after diligent searches.

So why is there a vociferous minority of do-gooders who will ring the police at the very sight of a nude person? The same reason as all the other illogical beliefs, they are a victim of propaganda. I think reason should prevail, not propaganda.

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Skin Care During Winters

Posted by Music Top SIte Senin, 18 Januari 2010 0 komentar

Winter is harsh on the skin. Dry air and harsh wind can sap moisture from the skin, causing cracking, chapping, and irritation. To prevent scaling, flaking and itching, one needs to pay special attention to the skin during the cold months. The following tips may help:

* Do not take long, hot showers. They may sound appealing, but they strip skin of its natural moisturizing oils. Instead, take a short, warm shower; pat your skin almost dry, then put on a good moisturizer while the skin is still damp.

* You will need an emollient lotion for hands, heels, or anywhere else where you experience especially dry, cracked skin.

* Apply a cream-based moisturizer every day. A good time to use moisturizer is just after showering to help trap moisture on the skin's surface. Those with sensitive skin should choose a moisturizer without fragrance or lanolin.

* Although frequent hand washing is often urged to prevent the spread of germs, all of that soap and water can also make hands chapped. Using a mild soap and moisturizing afterwards can help relieve the dryness.

* Rinsing your body daily but using less soap can also help protect the skin's natural moisturizers.

* Cover your face and use a petrolatum-based balm with an SPF for your lips while going out in cold air.

* Scaling, itching or cracked skin that is not relieved by moisturizers should be checked by a dermatologist, who may suggest a prescription medication.

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What about the children?

Posted by Music Top SIte Jumat, 15 Januari 2010 0 komentar
As any parent will say, bringing up children to be healthy, happy and well adjusted members of society is one of the hardest and most important tasks any of us ever undertake. If we bring them up in an atmosphere where life is cheapened or seen as a commodity, they will suffer. If we bring them up in a society where violence is seen as a legitimate means to achieve one's ends, they will suffer. If we bring them up in a world of prudery, pornography and sex for sale, they will suffer. If however, we bring them up with a wholesome knowledge of the world including that of the human body, they will prosper. Prudery leads directly to pornography and its cheapening of life, indeed there is some evidence that the prudes themselves are the largest customers for pornography. An honest and healthy attitude towards sex can only lead to stable, sensible society, unembarrassed nudity is simply a part of that process.

Much is written about child abuse and the need to protect children, but some are confused about exactly what constitutes abuse. Clearly physical and emotional violence, sex with children and deprivation are all forms of abuse and the most vigorous action must be taken to eliminate them. But bringing up children to fear what is not frightening, to believe in myths, fairy tales and superstition is also abuse. To bring them up thinking the body itself is sinful, shameful, something to be hidden at all costs is clearly an abuse leading to prudery. Prudery leads directly to unwanted teenage pregnancy, emotionally damaging sexual relationships and misery. Prudery even plays into the hands of paedophiles, people feeling so shameful about what has happened, they dare not admit it, so the freaks go free for years to perpetrate their perversion on more and more. The naturist way of life fosters an open and honest attitude to bodies and when the right time comes along, i.e. when the child asks, sexual education can begin in a natural safe manner without embarrassment about bodies.

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Tattoo Your Eyes

Posted by Music Top SIte Sabtu, 09 Januari 2010 0 komentar
A bunch of inmates decided it was a good idea to inject ink into their eyes

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Naturism, what it is all about

Posted by Music Top SIte Selasa, 05 Januari 2010 0 komentar
Naturism is simply about the enjoyment of being alive. Quite a few people find life more comfortable without being restricted by clothing. Some only go naked on holiday but an increasing number go about their daily lives without clothes. Whether or not the word naturist is used, the outcome is the same, people finding life can be better naked.

There is an argument that opposes the "ism" in naturism, i.e. the idea that naturists (or nudists) follow a set of norms that allows them to fit in with other naturists. Whilst some people like firm guidelines, many of those who live a life without clothes have an individualistic character, preferring to think for themselves. This is a strong idea but leads to clumsy descriptions in writing such as this. For the sake of clarity, I use the word naturist to mean anyone who enjoys living without clothes for at least part of their lives, but could equally well have used the word nudist.

Naturism is not like many activities, something you do for an hour or two a week then go home, it is a way of life, a lifestyle, practised because it is enjoyable. We do not frequent 'nudist colonies', a term used by the tabloids to be rude about a minority. Naturism is not about sex, a socially nude environment is simply not erotic. Naturism is not another word for exhibitionism, a quick look at the glossy magazines will show where they like to be. Children take to it as a duck to water, any shame about nudity is taught to them by the adults in their lives. Poll after poll has shown that naturists have lower rates of teenage pregnancy, abortion and sex crimes and higher rates of happy, stable relationships. These same polls also show that the number of people who are offended by nudity is very small, less than 2% in the UK. It is estimated that over 2 million people have enjoyed at least part of their life naked, perhaps on holiday, in the sauna or their back garden.

Leaving aside religious beliefs, some would point out the risk to public order if nudity became widespread. Such order would only be affected by those who made a fuss about nudity but modern experience shows there are very few such people. Should therefore the law and its enforcing agencies follow the clarion call of these few? The law in England is such that public nudity is not illegal, but the police often take the contrary view, with individual officers reacting to the fuss of the few and acting as though is was illegal. This is tantamount to bullying, the loudest voices being obeyed at the expense of the many. Democracy is supposed to be the will of the majority. Parliament has debated the issue and passed legislation that does allow public nudity, but some police have yet to find out. When they do, public order would then maintained by detaining the fussy few, not the peaceful majority.

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Fish Oil Benefits

Posted by Music Top SIte 0 komentar
How Taking Fish Oil Benefits The Body As A Whole

Many individuals could assume that there are some fish oil advantages however they may not notice the extent to that these supplements will facilitate your system overall. If all you browse are a few isolated fish oil reviews you may be tempted to focus on the small print of the individual studies and overlook the larger picture.

Fish oil advantages everything from the appearance of your skin and hair to your cardiovascular health. Fish oil reviews have proven that the advantages will extend to elevating mood and combating mood disorders, increasing the cognitive and retention levels of youngsters that suffer from autism spectrum disorder, and even help to slow painful and crippling inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis.

Several people might think that these claims are exaggerated. After all, how will some straightforward compounds and fatty acids achieve such widespread beneficial effects on the body as a whole? It is quite simple. The compounds and essential fatty acids that were specifically identified by fish oil reviews work on a systemic level instead of isolating particular symptoms.

As an example, the EPA and DHA that are mentioned specifically in fish oil reviews have the power to dam the production of inflammatory compounds within the body. This lessening of inflammation will facilitate with conditions starting from psoriasis to rheumatoid arthritis.

They also block the action of triglycerides within the body as well. This is often important as a result of triglycerides can block arteries and blood vessels which will cause cardiovascular disease. Not only that, however fish oil benefits the guts by regulating blood pressure and even heart rhythm. These two factors alone make several fish oil reviews terribly excited when it comes to cardiovascular health.

Youngsters are maybe the ones who will experience the foremost fish oil benefits. Not solely do the EPA and DHA in fish oil help regulate brain development, you are also setting them up with the physical building blocks to remain in prime wellbeing for the remainder of their lives. Many individuals who have scan fish oil reviews however are worried regarding doable allergies can feed their youngsters foods that are enriched with higher levels of Omega 3.

Whereas this can be wonderful for his or her brain development, fish oil benefits are felt most strongly when Omega 3 supplements are a half of their daily diet.

If you're inquisitive about getting the fish oil advantages made public in fish oil reviews the choice is clear. Adding a high-quality fish oil supplement can be the best manner to safeguard your health.

Click Here and discover effective omega-3 fish oil to keep your mind & body young, active, and fully functioning.

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Improve Your Sex life

Posted by Music Top SIte Sabtu, 02 Januari 2010 0 komentar
You and Your Spouse

Sex is not rocket science, which means anyone can be good at it, and we can all keep improving our skills. In fact, getting better at sex is part of a married person’s job because good sex is part of the foundation of a good marriage. Here are 10 ways – from the basic to the more advanced – to spice up your sex life:

1. Talk to your spouse more.
In addition to talking about sex and sharing your sexual fantasies, you and your husband or wife should talk more in general. Improving your communication and speaking with one another more frequently will make you feel closer to one another. That will make you more intimate and probably less inhibited in the bedroom – or wherever you prefer to have sex.

2. Spend more time on foreplay.
Sex should be something to which you look forward. Foreplay is what gets you excited and anticipating the main event. It doesn’t have to be limited to the 15 minutes before you’d like to have sex. You could start the day with sexy text messages (think MMS with a revealing photo or an e-mail expressing how hot your husband looked as you both left for work).

3. Get better at oral sex.
Foreplay often ends with both partners performing oral sex on one another. Sometimes, people take oral sex for granted, but it can be quite pleasurable and can really put people, especially women, in the mood for sex. When performing cunnilingus on a woman, men should refrain from making jabbing movements with their tongue. Slower, softer movements are usually better. Women, while performing fellatio on a man, should of course keep their teeth away from the man’s penis and use their lips and tongue instead. Both men and women who are performing oral sex should use their hands to enhance the experience. Let your partner lead you with directions, so you know what he or she prefers.

4. Try new positions.
This might seem like an obvious tip, but you’d be surprised by the number of married people who get stuck in a sex rut by performing the same combination of positions over and over again. There is more to sex than missionary and woman on top. You might try reverse cowboy or doggy style or a move you have seen on TV – or anything Sting has talked about doing. The point is to try a new sexual position and see if you and your husband or wife enjoy it.

5. Climax at the same time.
Reaching orgasm at the same time is easier said than done. But if the woman can orgasm (it’s usually more difficult for her) and she gives her husband fair warning that it’s about to happen, he might be able to reach orgasm with her. This intensifies the moment and truly has the two of you feeling like one (not to mention feeling like porn stars). In the end, you’ll probably collapse into each others' arms from exhaustion – and have the best sleep ever.

6. Dress for sex all the time.
Wearing sexy lingerie or silk boxers (or nothing at all) underneath your work clothes or sweats even will help you feel sexy and a little naughty. This will put you in the mood for sex and throughout the day will have you anticipating the moment you finally get to have sex. It will also serve as a lovely surprise as your husband or wife undresses you. White cotton granny panties, after all, can really kill the mood.

7. Be spontaneous.
While some people have to schedule sex to make sure it happens, there is something exhilarating about having sex with your partner unexpectedly. If your husband is in the bathroom getting ready for work and you rub against him, push him against the wall, and give him a kiss and it leads to sex right then and there, you’ll both start the day with a smile. Some couples even enjoy sex in public places. But that can get risky because if you get caught, it’s against the law. Your couch or the kitchen table in the middle of the day might be better alternatives.

8. Use toys or lubricant to enhance the experience.
There’s nothing wrong with bringing a vibrator to bed with you or getting KY Jelly to make sex less painful or simply more stimulating. Some couples enjoy browsing at sex shops together to find items that would improve their sex life. Everything from chocolate body paints to whips and chains is available these days, and with your husband or wife you shouldn’t feel embarrassed. But you should discuss what kinds of things would appeal to both of you and neither of you should feel forced to participate if you’re not comfortable.

9. Indulge in quickies.
In this crazy world, you don’t always have time for marathon sex. That doesn’t mean you should go without. A great quickie on your lunch hour or just before leaving for work can leave you feeling refreshed and satisfied. Ladies, who have trouble reaching orgasm with a quickie, can still find pleasure in the sex and the closeness that they feel to their husband.

10. When in doubt, return to the basics.
There is a certain level of comfort and pleasure that comes with vanilla sex – your run of the mill married sex. You shouldn’t be ashamed if that works for you. When your sex life seems to be stuck or you feel like you’re trying too hard, you should return to the basics – the positions and foreplay that have always worked for your husband or wife and you. If it ain’t broke, after all, you shouldn’t fix it.

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Naked x-rays

Posted by Music Top SIte 0 komentar
Isn't it sad, people worrying about an anonymous airport security staff member seeing a very fuzzy image of them almost naked in the interests of airport safety. People have said it is "horrible" to have such machines. Child protection legislation has been invoked to prevent children going through the scanners on the grounds the images may be "indecent". I wonder how decent it is to have those children in thousands of pieces after an aerial explosion. In a society that uses ever clearer and better images of violence as part of daily entertainment, such an idea to me is very odd indeed. What is worrying, no-one yet has asked how safe these machines are from the radiological point of view. We hear that no dose of ionising radiation is safe, so how about aircrew that may have to go through these things on a daily basis? The news is dominated by a few prudes concerned about nudity, what about safety from x-rays and nutters bent on destruction?

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Posted by Music Top SIte Jumat, 01 Januari 2010 0 komentar
FASHION OF THE DECADE - Jennifer Lopez, in a gown cut in a loose V leaving little to the imagination, appears on stage during the 42nd Grammy Awards at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, Feb. 23, 2000. Double-sided tape prevented any mishaps with the dress

FASHION OF THE DECADE - Ashton Kutcher attends an event to kick off Golden Globe weekend at the Pacific Design Center, Jan. 16, 2003, in Los Angeles. The actor who showed his playful side in the television show 'Punk'd' kept right on trend wearing various trucker hats

FASHION OF THE DECADE - Hotel heiress Paris Hilton holds her pet chihuahua Tinkerbell at a Miami Beach hotel, March 11, 2004. The breeding of tiny teacup dogs helped make man's best friend become a woman's best accessory

FASHION OF THE DECADE - Kelly Osbourne, daughter of 'Prince of Darkness' Ozzy Osbourne, sports a tiara at a party after the MTV Video Music Awards in New York in this Aug. 29, 2003 photo.

FASHION OF THE DECADE - In this photo released by Martha Stewart Living Television, comedian David Spade spoofs host Martha Stewart on the set of her show 'Martha,' Sept. 13, 2005. Spade walked on set wearing a blonde wig and poncho, which Stewart originally received from a fellow inmate upon her release from prison.

FASHION OF THE DECADE - Singer Janet Jackson, left, covers her breast after her outfit came undone during the half time performance with Justin Timberlake at Super Bowl XXXVIII in Houston, Feb. 1, 2004. The 'wardrobe malfunction' was seen by 90 million Americans and led to an investigation of indecency on the airwaves.

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